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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Adriane's tips for improving your English

The latest teacher featured on our main blog is Adriane Lee, a senior ESL instructor and former coordinator at New York Language Center's Jackson Heights branch. Adriane has a long personal and professional background in dance performance and choreography, which she equates with TESOL. Read about Adriane's profile at our main blog.

Adriane motivates students to work on their English by encouraging them to do something fun, such as watching your favorite tv shows and movies and using these fun and relaxing activities to improve your skills in reading, listening, vocabulary, and pronunciation. She says you can accomplish this by repeating subtitles until you're comfortable saying the sentences, yourself. You can also press the mute button and voice the conversations on the screen. She also suggests recording yourselves using your phones for one minute and transcribing (writing down) what you've said so you can check for grammatical mistakes.

What do you do at home to improve your English? Try these suggestions and notice your English get better while you're having fun!

Do you find Adriane's tips useful? Share them with your friends and classmates! You can use the social media buttons below, and let us know how your English learning is going. You can comment below, on NYLC's Facebook page, or @NYLangCenter on Twitter.

--Joe Yu, ESL instructor

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