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Sunday, June 14, 2015

Professors on TV: a TOEFL Integrated Essay

The following TOEFL Integrated Essay was written in class during a writing exercise. For TOEFL Integrated Essays, test takers are instructed to read a short passage for 3 minutes, after which they listen to part of a lecture on the same topic. They are then asked to answer a question in the form of an essay and are given 20 minutes to plan, write, and edit their essays.

This essay was in response to the writing task in Test 2 of "The Official Guide to the TOEFL Test, Fourth Edition" by ETS. This was written by the instructor during the 20-minute activity.

WRITING TASK: Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they oppose specific points made in the reading passage.

This set of materials discusses the tendency of some professors to appear on tv. While the reading passage examines the advantages of such pursuits, the listening focuses on the negative effects and consequences that result when professors spend time being on television.

One reason the reading mentions is an advantage to appearing on television is the professor’s ability to reach a wider audience, instead of the smaller university community. The listening, on the other hand, argues that appearing on tv labels the professor as not a serious scholar or educator among his or her colleagues. He is looked upon as an entertainer, not an educator. This results in the professor not being invited to important academic functions or not receiving necessary grants for research.

A TOEFL Independent Essay: Do older people have more fun?

TOEFL test takers are given 30 minutes to plan, write, and edit an Independent Essay, which asks them to give their opinions, including specific details and examples. The following essay was written in class by the instructor during a writing exercise. It is in response to the question in Test 2 of "The Official Guide to the TOEFL Test, Fourth Edition" by ETS.

WRITING TASK: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people enjoy life more than older people do. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

In my opinion, the old enjoy life much more than the young. Young people have their youth and the boundless energy that goes with it, but the elderly have their wisdom, their experience and, often, the financial resources to live life to the fullest.

Because older people have lived longer than young people, they have accumulated a wealth of knowledge that gives them the wisdom to do things the right way, and the right way for them is easy to decide as they have the experience to know what works and what doesn’t work. They know full well what kind of activities they enjoy and how to enjoy them. Life is less of a trial and error for them and more of a certainty that what they are going to do will bring great enjoyment.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

TOEFL Integrated Essay: the philosophy of Realism

This sample TOEFL Integrated Essay responds to the Test 4 writing task on page 200 of "DELTA’s Key to the Next Generation TOEFL Test, Six Practice Tests for the iBT." This was written by the instructor during the 20-minute writing activity.

WRITING TASK: Summarize the points made in the lecture, explaining how they contradict points made in the reading.

Both the reading and listening passages discuss the philosophy of realism. However, while the reading explains what realism is, the lecture gives reasons why this way of thinking does not promote an ideal environment or solve the world’s problems.

The professor first defines that the philosophy of realism, as mentioned in the reading, as the belief in scientific facts and reason and the commitment to scientific thinking. Then she gives reasons why critics of realism are against this philosophy. One such reason is the fact that realism ignores passion, emotion, and feeling, which also make up the individual. Critics say that not everything, including a person’s feelings and thoughts, can be measured scientifically as proponents of realism argue.